Our Staff

Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Scott Anderson
Campus Minister, James Madison University
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Executive Leadership
Chris Backert
Associate Executive Director, BGAV/Ascent
800-255-2428, ext. 6285
Staff headshot
Congregational Field Staff
Andy Barnes
Field Strategist
800-255-2428, ext. 2243
Staff headshot
Ascent Ministry Groups
Archie Bates-Mendoza
800-255-2428, ext. 1272
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Becca Bennick
Kairos Team Developer
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Jeffrey Buffkin
Campus Minister, College of William & Mary
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Donna Carlson
800-255-2428, ext. 1290
Staff headshot
Todd Combee
Chaplaincy Relations
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Darrell Cook
Campus Minister, Virginia Tech
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Impact Missions
Kristen Curtis
Resource and Training Coordinator
800-255-2428, ext. 7267
Staff headshot
Ascent Ministry Groups
Habacuc Diaz Lopez
Latino Ministries, C.A.M.P.
800-255-2428, ext. 6285
Staff headshot
Congregational Field Staff
Jody Faig
Field Strategist, Northern Region
800-255-2428, ext. 2243
Staff headshot
Executive Leadership
Wayne Faison
Executive Director, BGAV/Ascent
800-255-2428, ext. 1201
Staff headshot
Impact Missions
Travis Gallahan
Disaster Response Fleet Manager
800-255-2428, ext. 1212
Staff headshot
Camp and Conference Centers
Steve Gourley
Director, Camp Piankatank
Staff headshot
Ascent Ministry Groups
Sonya Habimana
Operations, Uptick
800-255-2428, ext. 1272
Staff headshot
Congregational Field Staff
Eddie Heath
Field Strategist
800-255-2428, ext. 2243
Staff headshot
Congregational Field Staff
Karl Heilman
Field Strategist
800-255-2428, ext. 2243
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Brandess Holmes
Interim Campus Minister, Old Dominion University
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Executive Leadership
Ken Kessler
Director, Empower Coaching
800-255-2428, ext. 1204
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Abbie Kramer
Associate Campus Minister, Radford University
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Jennifer Law
Marketing Services Specialist
800-255-2428, ext. 1223
Staff headshot
Ascent Ministry Groups
Jerome Lee
African-American Ministries, C.A.M.P.
800-255-2428, ext. 6285
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Chris Leeper
Campus Minister, Radford University
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Gary Long
Chief Marketing Officer, BGAV/Ascent
800-255-2428, ext. 1222
Staff headshot
Ascent Ministry Groups
Julie Lukas
Administrative Assistant
800-255-2428, ext. 6285
Staff headshot
Ascent Ministry Groups
Paul Maconochie
Director, Uptick
800-255-2428, ext. 1272
Staff headshot
Impact Missions
Glenn Maddox
National Missions Director
800-255-2428, ext. 7269
Staff headshot
Congregational Field Staff
Susan McBride
Coordinator, Congregational Field Staff
800-255-2428, ext. 2242
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Maty McGuire
Associate Campus Minister, James Madison University
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Impact Missions
Butch Meredith
Disaster Response
800-255-2428, ext. 7260
Staff headshot
Gail Mickey
800-255-2428, ext. 0
Staff headshot
Impact Missions
Dean Miller
Coordinator, Impact Missions
800-255-2428, ext. 7264
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Welford Orrock
Kairos Initiative Collegiate/Young Adult Coordinator
800-255-2428, ext. 2246
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Dave Petty
Campus Minister, University of Virginia
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Congregational Field Staff
Karen Rackett
Administrative Assistant
800-255-2428, ext. 2243
Staff headshot
Ascent Ministry Groups
Lisa Rodriguez-Watson
Director, Missio Alliance
800-255-2428, ext. 6285
Staff headshot
Noah Rogers
Properties Manager
800-255-2428, ext. 1227
Staff headshot
Congregational Field Staff
Tom Stocks
Field Strategist, Southside Region
800-255-2428, ext. 2243
Staff headshot
Leslie Straw
Team Leader and Chief Accounting Officer
800-255-2428, ext. 1296
Staff headshot
Ascent Ministry Groups
Minda Templeton
Administrative Assistant, Uptick
800-255-2428, ext. 1272
Staff headshot
Impact Missions
Travis Tyler
Team Operations Administrator
800-255-2428, ext. 7260
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Cadance Tyler
Mission Camps Coordinator for Impact Missions Team & Campus Minister, Hampden-Sydney College and Longwood University
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Impact Missions
Craig Waddell
Partnership Missions
800-255-2428, ext. 7263
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
David Wade
Campus Minister, Virginia Commonwealth University
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Kirk Walker
Chief Information Officer
800-255-2428, ext. 1209
Staff headshot
Congregational Field Staff
Skip Wallace
Field Strategist
800-255-2428, ext. 2243
Staff headshot
Executive Leadership
David Washburn
Treasurer, BGAV/Ascent
800-255-2428, ext. 1102
Staff headshot
Paula Washburn
Database Manager
800-255-2428, ext. 1208
Staff headshot
Martha Washington
Administrative Assistant
800-255-2428, ext. 1243
Staff headshot
Kairos Initiative
Mason West
Campus Minister, Bluefield University
800-255-2428, ext. 6265
Staff headshot
Executive Leadership
Marilee White
Executive Director Assistant
800-255-2428, ext. 1201
Staff headshot
Congregational Field Staff
Brian Williams
Field Strategist, Tidewater Region
800-255-2428, ext. 2243
Staff headshot
Tammy Williams
Payroll/Benefits and Accounting Specialist
800-255-2428, ext. 1226
Staff headshot
Meghan Wilson
Creative Director
800-255-2428, ext. 1225
Staff headshot
Ascent Ministry Groups
JR Woodward
Director, V3 Church Planting Movement
800-255-2428, ext. 6285
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