Who We Are

Together in ministry

The work of ministry isn’t meant to be done alone. Pastors and their churches flourish when they come together to pursue God and build God's kingdom. 

This is at the heart of what we do at Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV). We are a network of churches working together to grow the body of Christ and disciple people into a deeper relationship with Jesus. We provide collaboration, resources, and support to nearly 1,300 churches throughout the U.S. and around the world.

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Our Mission

BGAV is a missionary movement unleashing the power of the resurrected Christ through the local church for the renewal of all things.

A Network for Missions and Ministry

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BGAV connects you with thousands of churches and leaders facing similar challenges. You’ll get encouraging community and practical help to strengthen your ministry.

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Commitment to Missions

From local outreach to overseas opportunities, BGAV offers you and your church a number of pathways toward sharing the gospel in word and deed.

Customized Resources

You have access to a deep well of support, including continuing education, coaching, financial planning, and dedicated regional field strategists committed to providing personal assistance for you and your church.

Creative Ministry Approaches

Changing needs and demographics call for innovative ways to reach people and raise up new leaders. BGAV connects you with movements and opportunities to reimagine ministry.

learn more about the bgav ministry partners.

BGAV History

A Legacy of Renewal


1823 - BGAV is founded for the purpose of church autonomy and sending missionaries. This verse, read at the first meeting, became the foundation of the association:
“But to do good and to communicate, forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16)
Through its messengers, member churches, elected leaders, and staff, BGAV has continued “to do good and to communicate” the gospel.


BGAV establishes the University of Richmond and other agencies and institutions, including camps and the Women’s Missionary Union of Virginia.


BGAV develops a plan to start a new church in every town where the railroad expands and builds depots.


BGAV acquires and develops Eagle Eyrie, a retreat center in Lynchburg that provides space for people to be renewed and re-energized for their God-given mission.


BGAV adopts a model of Partnership Missions to invest in long-term relationships worldwide.


BGAV establishes the Kingdom Advance Initiative to inspire new vision and broader direction.


BGAV changes governance from Virginia Baptist Mission Board to Executive Board in position itself for greater missional growth.


The BGAV exists to further the mission of churches like yours. After nearly 200 years of serving, we remain dedicated to doing good and sharing the Gospel.

Become a Part of the BGAV Community

Connect with churches and leaders and build a thriving ministry when you become a member of BGAV. Get started by contacting us today.