Championing Equality: BGAV Executive Board Reiterates Commitment to Women in Ministry and Respect for Church Autonomy
BGAV Executive Board reaffirms 2023 statement
During this season of discernment, the Executive Board of Baptist General Association of Virginia expresses our deep gratitude for your choosing to partner with us in ministry. We prioritize BGAV churches and pastors. BGAV is a missionary movement unleashing the power of the resurrected Christ through the local church for the renewal of all things. As a group of autonomous, cooperating churches, our core values remain: Gospel Centric, Mission Driven, Relationally Rich, Civil and Respectful, and Heart for the Not Yet.
In June 2023, BGAV’s Executive Board reaffirmed that BGAV supports and strives to support women in all areas of ministry. The board also reaffirmed Baptists’ historic preservation of local church autonomy regarding ordination as well as in the practice of ministry. Today we reiterate the 2023 statement of affirmation of women in ministry.
BGAV’s Executive Board recognizes and celebrates the invaluable contributions of women in all areas of ministry. We affirm that women, equally called and gifted by God, should have the opportunity to serve in leadership roles, pastoral positions, and all other ministry capacities.
Our belief is rooted in the understanding that the Holy Spirit equips all believers, regardless of gender, to fulfill the mission of the Church. We are relationally rich because of the women and men God is calling to serve in many ways in our churches.
Serving together,
BGAV Executive Board