"Mission Forward"
Our executive director explains the direction of BGAV's 202nd year
by Wayne Faison, BGAV executive director
Virginia Baptists are in the process of reinvigorating ourselves around one of our main charisms. Since BGAV's inception in 1823, “missions” has been that charism. Charism is commonly defined as a special gift given through the grace of the Holy Spirit. I believe it was through this grace that our Virginia Baptist foreparents established “missions” as their primary method and means of cooperation for the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and for the advancement of the Redeemer’s kingdom.
Over the past 202 years, it has been through God’s amazing grace that Virginia Baptists have participated and engaged in God’s amazing mission. Therefore it is at the very onset of 2025 that Virginia Baptists from all across the world have begun striving to become greater agents of mission together with our networks of churches, partners, and leaders impacting the kingdom locally, nationally, and globally with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As Virginia Baptists forge ahead into the future, we move with a desired end in our hearts, minds, and souls. This desired end is not contingent upon where we are hoping to go, but it is contingent upon how we are hoping to go. Virginia Baptists are moving forward rhythmically in the centrality of the gospel of Jesus Christ by focusing firmly on the mission God is calling us to continue. Our pathways for moving forward will be rooted in our rich relationships that have stood the test of time in Virginia and beyond.
Our desired end is a missionary movement unleashing the power of the resurrected Christ through the local church for the renewal of all things. As this movement takes place, Virginia Baptists will strive to remain both civil and respectful towards one another while moving the “Mission Forward” with a heart for the not yet. Hebrews 2:8-9 reminds us that “at the present time…we do not yet see everything…but we are seeing Christ.” We invite you to join us as we join God in moving his “Mission Forward” for such a time as this.