Preach 2025: A Time Just for Pastors to Connect, Reflect, and Renew
Registration open to upcoming preaching conference in March 2025

On March 9-11, Preach 2025 will bring together pastors from around the Commonwealth and beyond for a time of fellowship, respite, worship, and skill sharpening—all focused on honing gifts and skills in preaching. This year’s theme is “Abide.”
Preach 2025 is the third annual occurrence of this event, which is sponsored by the Augusta Baptist Association. Held at BGAV’s Eagle Eyrie Conference Center, the conference provides a backdrop of serenity and natural beauty in which to relax, learn, and experience rejuvenation.
“The Preach conference is a time to get away for a few days to experience renewal and grow as a leader through corporate worship, pertinent breakout sessions, and through biblical, thoughtful, and inspiring sermons that all lead to great discussions and applicable leadership principles,” explained Steve Nethery, pastor of Spring Hill Baptist Church in Ruckersville, VA. Steve has been involved in the conference since its beginnings. “It is also a great time to connect with fellow ministers you already know and to develop some new relationships. I have already registered for this year and am so looking forward to the experience,” he continued.
This year’s diverse group of speakers includes Amy Peeler, the Kenneth T. Wessner chair of Biblical Studies and professor of New Testament at Wheaton College and associate priest at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Geneva, IL; Habacuc Diaz Lopez, BGAV’s Latino Network coordinator, Semillas de Mostaza coordinator, and pastor of Primera Iglesia Bautista Maranatha in Culpeper, VA; Steve Collins, president of the Appalachian School of Theology, executive director of the Southwest Virginia Partnership, and pastor of First Baptist Church of Nickelsville, VA; and Robert Stephens, senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Alexandria, VA.
Breakout sessions provide times to focus on specific aspects of preaching. Some of this year’s sessions include The Gift of a Good Sermon Series, led by Phil Peacock, senior pastor at Broadus Memorial Baptist Church, Mechanicsville, VA; Sharing Life: God’s Relational Mission with Craig Waddell, BGAV partnership coordinator; Encouraging an Evangelistc Ethos, with Steve Nethery, pastor of Spring Hill Baptist Church in Ruckersville, VA; and Making Good Preaching Better: The Final Step in Preaching, with William Smith, retired pastor and former president of Leland Seminary.
Individuals may register either as day participants or overnight attendees (overnight includes lodging at Eagle Eyrie). Both experiences offer rich opportunities for growth and inspiration.
“Besides the preaching seminars, I really enjoy the times of fellowship—during our meals and before and after the worship and breakout sessions,” reflected Greg Wissinger, past attendee and pastor of Beaver Dam Baptist Church in Troy, VA . “It’s a space where I gain tons of encouragement from being around other pastors who are dealing with many of the same stresses and realities that I am relating to and having the freedom to express my thoughts without judgment. And of course, there is the change of scenery—out of the office and away from routine. It’s a blessing.”
Would you (or your pastor) enjoy and benefit from Preach 2025? Visit for more information and to register. Registration closes March 1, so act soon!